
The Hearth of Renewal is all about healing and connection

Connection with our intuitive hearts and our ancestors, with the land, and with our communities. When all these things come together, we have a place of renewal,  where we find nourishment, belonging, and purpose, in service to life.

Indigenous people across the planet have been crying out for many years for the rest of us to listen and to shift our ways.  It's time we listened.

This work is based on three principals: Earth, Heart, and Ancestors, all coming together in our expanded communities, the Hearth of Renewal.

Venn diagram of three gold circles, one each with earth, earth, and ancestors, Lure Wishes

The three principles

The first is Heart Connection 

The second is Ancestral Reconnection and Healing

The third is Our Relationship with the Earth

Heart Connection - it is through our relationship with our heart that true feeling arises. With this comes the ability to connect with others and to the next elements.  Through our intuitive heart we can access wisdom and the next steps to bring our visions to fruition.

Ancestral Reconnection and Healing - where we reweave the connections with our lineages, which have often been disconnected throughout hundreds or even thousands of years. As we heal the rifts and begin the healing process, our own lives can change for the better,  but so can the lives of others in our families and so our communities.  Part of this healing is the restoration of the love and guidance of our wise elders, as we come into embodying our true purpose in this life, as we share our gifts. 

Our relation with the Earth -  As with our ancestors, so have we become disconnected from the earth. For many of us, we have emerged from earth-honouring ancestors and societies, to those who perceive the earth as a resource. We've all seen way too much destruction of this beautiful planet until we've come to our current situation of climate emergency. 

Through reconnection with the earth, we come into relationship with the vast network of beings that make up the earth, as our sphere of relations expands. 

When these three aspects come together, we have the Hearth of Renewal, a way to connect back to the land, back with our wise ancestors, and back to ourselves. From this place of connection and renewal, we can then take action in alignment with this, for our own joy and wellbeing, for the earth and for us all. 

Lure Wishes, Lure with white t-shirt, brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin

About Lure

Hi, my name is Lure Wishes.  

I was born on Dhunghutti Country on the mid-north coast of  New South Wales in Australia, a town with a large Aboriginal population, and am of mostly Irish, ancestry.

I've had a calling to the land and to healing for many years, and to nature for my whole life. I've lived and worked with Aboriginal people throughout Australia, and in particular in central Australia and the Kimberley in the far north-west of Western Australia.

I’m deeply grateful for the kindness, generosity and welcome I have received from Aboriginal people along the way.

This work is the culmination of a lifetime of work and experiences, of the ways we can reweave our connection with all of life, to meet the challenges so abundant in our world today.

 My training is in education, transpersonal counseling, breathwork, and heart and energy work.  My experience includes wilderness guiding, adult and youth education, Aboriginal education, community development, project management and tourism. 

I pay my respects to the Darug and Gundungurra people on the land on which I live, and acknowledge the Elders, past, present and emerging.

Learn more about how to work with Lure through her group programs or  in private sessions